Thursday, April 24, 2008

Life with THREE

Life with THREE is just that... life with three. Three mouths to feed, three to get dressed and bathed, three to put to bed, three bums to wipe --need I go on? All moms know how to care for their child, but when you multiply it by three it throws in a little juggling and prioritizing. It always seems like one of them is always having to wait a little bit longer than they want and then we have full on meltdowns. And who has time for yourself??? I haven't washed my hair in four days and today is no different, no time this morning... we had to make it to preschool and then to the doctor for a check up for Cru so no time for mommy. I DID manage to shower (with Cru) and brush my teeth though!

Meltdowns...take today for instance-- I'm trying to get lunch made for the boys before Macey remembers that it's past her feeding time and I'm asking Cru if he wants milk or juice. He freaks out for some reason (probably a combo of shots today and exhausion) and decides that a tantrum is the answer. His wailing wakes up Macey and she realizes that's she's starving too and starts wailing too. Meanwhile Treyson decides to join in the act and cry too because his funny noise balloon just broke and he can't live another minute without going back to Teacher Marnie's house to get another one. Are you kidding me? What else can I do but laugh.

We survived lunch (or should I say four lunches... pb&j for Cru, turkey and cheese for Trey, mommy milk for Macey, and to be announced for mommy--is there really time for me to eat?!). And right now I should be taking full advantage of free time (minus the fact that there is a ring in my toilet, mile high laundry, clean dishes in dishwasher, dirty ones in sink, etc. etc. etc.), but I decided I'd vent and let you all know my daily trials... It gets easier, it HAS to, right?

Until next time.


bladenfamily said...

Let me come and get your boys for a morning. What works for you? This is sort of scary...I can barely handle 2! I don't know about 3!!!

The Larsons said...

Does sound a little scary...especially cause it is coming so soon for me! You seem to handle it well laugh. I don't know anything, but I've heard it takes a few months to get back to normal. Thanks for the reality check. :) Hope you get your hair washed tomorrow! :)

Annie said...

Awww Haley!!!! I'm so sorry, if I were there I would take trey and cru and we could go to the park or at least Shelby could entertain them for a second.
P.s. I thought I was smelling some funk down here in Vegas, I guess it was your hair! j/k Love ya!!

The Bentley's said...

ahhh... it does get easier......sort of... i think going to three has been sooo hard. it is still kicking my bootie. i feel like an emotional basket case with a very short fuse... my poor kids... but keep it up your doing great!!!

Janea said...

Man, wish I was there to help. You're right though..three kids crying at the top of their lungs and you laugh, you are doing AWESOME!

Molly said...

Aww! And to think, us women actually want to do this! :) Well, when I come in May, I will be more than willing to help out! Keep it up, though, your kiddos are so stinkin cute!

Rachel said...

I remember feeling this way with two just after Katie was born, but three is a whole 'nother level, I'm sure. It will get better. Big hugs to you and your sweeties. (And please call whenever you'd like me to come pick up your boys. We love having them over to play, and we're free all week.)

wurstens5 said...

Don't worry haley, it does get better I promise. You just can't let it get to you, and like you said just take a time out, and you just have to laugh. Good luck.

Kelie said...

so this is all the fun i get to look forward to in a couple of months! so sorry it's been chaotic. call me, i would really love to have your boys over or help in anyway!

H.Cook said...

Good luck!! I've heard that 3 gets pretty tough. Your kids are so cute though!

Chesterfield Cigarettes said...

Yesterday I visited your blog and liked it very much! I have found a lot of really interesting and useful information there! The time I have spent reading was wonderful and I may say that you’ve done a great job! There are also wonderful photos! I’ve immediately added your blog to my favorite links and will enter it any time when in need of something positive. Thanks a lot!

S. Fantasia said...

Oh my. I remember feeling that way once I had Eli. Now that I have the hang of things and both boys have better coped with the waiting game (on second thought, I have just learned to tolerate their tantrums), I cannot imagine adding another to the mix. But I will. They are so worth it, aren't they? I love that you laughed - that's all I ever do these days.

katie said...

It does get easier I promise. Everyone adjust and life settles down. Hang in there. Macey is SOOO adorable!

thekerrclan said...

Yes - it does get better. Life returns to normal...whatever that means! Your kids are so cute.