Thursday, March 27, 2008

STILL Pregnant

I have been waiting to see if my computer will ever recognize my memory stick stuck in it, but no, it won't. Sooo, I have a lovely picture of me, all big and pregnant, to show all of you and I can't get it on my computer. Lovely. You will have to read this update without a picture, sorry!
Not really much to post actually, but I wanted to just say that I am STILL with child and she doesn't seem to want to enter the world anytime soon. I am hoping to get things going a bit by taking a JEEP ride with my father in law this afternoon. I've been walking as much as the boys will keep up, but Cru is pretty distracted by just about everything so my walk turns into a leisurely snail speed. I could put him in a stroller or something, but the kid loves to do it on his own, so independent. I'm figuring that's why he decided to come a week early, he was so ready to enter the world.
Well, we've passed almost all the relatives birthdays that we could have shared, my niece Natalie's was the 18th and my auntie Jayne on the 25th so we are shooting for tomorrow, my sister in law Annie's birthday! Since Cru was born on her husband Jon's birthday we think it's only right to have this one on her birthday. Hopefully our plan will work! Cross your fingers!! Here's to a Jeep ride, another walk tonight and whatever else will help this baby to make her grand entrance... and yes, still no name.


Krysten said...

Oh that stinks that she is still pretty cozy in there. Hopefully that Jeep ride will get things moving along. Good luck!

adrianne s. said...

Hang in there and maybe our girls can share a birthday! I only have less than 5 weeks left now! Maybe she is just waiting for us! Ha-ha! Sorry, probably not so funny for you.

The Bentley's said...

I keep checking back to hear... can't wait! and hopefully tommorrow! 3 days ealry on your 3rd baby is practically already 3 days late right??? good luck!

Francis Family said...

I just saw the pictures of your nursery...SO DANG CUTE! I loved it! It turned out so well! Yeah! Hopefully now we can just get your baby here! :) I hope the Jeep ride works!

wurstens5 said...

Hey haley,
Good luck, those stubborn babies. Sorry we missed you in St. George, I thought you had your baby and didn't want to bother you. I would love to visit in May and see your little one.

H.Cook said...

good luck!!!! the last days leading up to the birth just seem to drag by. i can't wait to see photos of your girl. girl names i've thought are cute recently are: natalia, marin, and delaney!

The Larsons said...

Oh, I really hope to come early this time too...which means I probably won't! Will your doctor induce?? In the Air Force, they say they won't induce until you are 2 weeks overdue, unless it is "medically necessary". Barf! We're praying for you, and you better get that memory card working before this baby comes...cause I am dying to see pictures!!!

adrianne s. said...

Haley, hopefully this is too late, but if you are still pregnant you should try this. There is this restaurant in Georgia called Scalini's that serves Eggplant Parmesan that supposedly has a natural pitocin in it. My friend swears by it- she ate it for dinner and then was at the hospital by the next morning to have her babies. She did this with her first 2 kids before they moved here. Here is a link for the recipe.

Good Luck!!

S. Fantasia said...

Darn you no-namers. I have a girl name ready and waiting for someday. If I have any more children at all, that is. You can use it too. It's Ava. I was so excited when I thought of it and was gitty at how unique it seemed. Then one of my friends broke to me the sad news that it is actually number 6 on the most popular list! Bummer. I love it too much now so I think I'll use it anyway.

Good luck, good luck. Maybe she is just very obedient and is patiently waiting for her due date. Lucky you. None of my overzealous boys have graced me like that. Dean was 14 days early and ELi was 5 weeks early! Brats. :o)

PalsRWe said...

Hang in there Mama, I promise she will come when she is ready, each day she is in there she grows stronger and healthier. Like I told you on the phone, I think your little one and Kaedyn were Best Buds in Heaven, and they planned to make their mommies wait until they were good and ready to be born. Hugs & Kisses. Kiley