Saturday, March 27, 2010

Broken Arm

I'm a little late on the post, seeing that he already got his cast off, but I should probably write about it. The end of January we were preparing for a trip to Brian Head to stay at a cabin with some friends for the weekend. We were going to sign the kids up for ski school and take off for the day! We were so excited for this!! Well the day we were suppose to leave I got the dreaded call from school that morning saying that Treyson was in the nurses office and they think that he may have broken his arm! Oh great!! He was playing at recess and fell off the top of the slide. He said he fell, but one of his friends told me that they were jumping off. Hmmm. So I rush to find a babysitter for the other two kids and take him to the doctor to get checked out. After a long wait and no lunch, I had Treyson a banana to tie him over before we can get something to eat. We head in to talk to the doctor and he tells us that he has fractured his wrist and his radial
head near his elbow. AND that the bone was slightly angled wrong so they needed to get him into surgery to push it back into place. He asks, "When's the last time he ate?" "Oh, breakfast," I say. Totally forgetting about the banana. Once I remember I rush out there and tell them. Now because of that banana we had to wait another 4 hours to have the surgery AND no more eating. I'm dying, I can imagine how Treyson is feeling. So I head to Target to get a "I'm being Brave" toy to help calm him down. We head back to the hospital where they have to prep him for surgery. Matt meets me there and we switch off so that I can go home and get the kids and pack our stuff for our trip. We had prepaid for this thing and we were going to go! We got a babysitter to go with us so we could still go and she stayed and watched the kids while we boarded all day.
Treyson did great with the cast and after 6 weeks now has it off and he is back to being a boy! He is hopefully competing in his first "Kids Triathlon" this coming Saturday! Go Trey!

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