Sunday, September 27, 2009

Treyson is SIX

Treyson requested a "Bakugan" party and for those of you who don't know what it is, all I can tell you is that it's a bunch of balls that get 'activated' when touched by metal to create creatures. It's also a cartoon and a game, but I get lost on how to play!
Here are some of his friends waiting for the others to arrive by coloring their favorite Bakugan picture.
Eating their Bakugan lunch-- hot dogs, watermelon "balls", and cheeto "balls".
Blowing out his candles... (cake from Costco that got "decorated" Bakugan style with Dan (main character)... who knew the rainbow would be so popular, everyone wanted a piece with rainbow in it!
Could NOT wait for present opening!
Matt and Grandpa took the boys bowling too. They all had a blast. The bowling alley had some new features that let you choose if you wanted bumpers or not and when it was the boys' turns, the bumpers just popped up. Pretty cool.

Later that night we headed over to Red Robin for his birthday dinner, requested by him. He was not thrilled to be sung to by all those servers, but he graciously said thank you, under his breath.

All and all it was a FUN day for Treyson, who was sick the day before and magically appeared better on his birthday! It was short lived though, he went back to a fever that night!!! It's tough being six, I mean sick.

A little bit about Treyson...

His little sister to death!
Lots of fruit
Caesar salad
Playing with friends
Tomatoes/onions/celery/cream of wheat... anything strange looking or smells weird
Sharing with his younger brother
Taking baths
Being late to kindergarden
Button shirts and any pair of pants (He would LIVE in shorts all year long if he could)
Having the attention on him!
Any form of medicine... you can not even bribe the kid, doesn't work.
Riding bikes (when we make him!)
Alone time with grandma and grandpa... and mom and dad too ;)
Getting new toys, even if out of a quarter machine
Lego time during his 'quiet time'
In kindergarden... he will be reading by the end of the year, I just know it!
In sports, he played in his first soccer season this spring and he did great.
Math. He is always quizzing us on "What's ___ + ____?"
Master of persuasion (He can get Cru to do ANYTHING by making it sound awesome and amazing, even if it's collecting trash.)


Jen and Steven said...

Wow, I can't believe he's 6 already! I remember holding him as a teeny baby on the plane ride back from our cruise. Looks like a fun time at the party and bowling!

Tyra said...

looks like so much fun! What a lucky kid :)

bladenfamily said...

That looks fun! You are a good party planner!

Annie said...

Happy Birthday bud! Sorry I missed it. I'm glad he was OK on his birthday, did the dr. say anything about his fevers????

Aly G said...

What a cute six year old. Love that he loves bakubons too! They are rolling all around our house here. Tell Treyson Hadley says Happy Birthday! Looks like he had a blast.

The Bentley's said...

so fun!!! i can still remember when he was born and your baby shower in cleveland! time flys