Saturday, April 11, 2009


I really want to get better at writing down all the funny and clever things the kids say because, let's face it, kids say the darndest things!  They just so happend to say TWO funnies today and I jumped to write them down so I would not forget this time (Because I most likely always do!). Enjoy...

Treyson was sick today so I was snuggling with him on the couch while Grandpa was watching golf and I had briefly mentioned "Co-Leader" (there were two guys tied for first place at the time) and Treyson says, "Is his name really 'Co'?"

While talking to Cru today I decided that it was time for him to learn to spell out his name... it's really simple so I figured he could handle it.  I started to tell him C-R-U.  He says, "C-R-Me!"  I got a great laugh out of that!

The other morning the boys were joining Matt in the bathroom while he got ready for work. He had just hopped out of the shower and they thought it was pretty funny to give dad some good swats on the behind.  Matt responded by saying, "Be careful you might hurt your's rock solid."  And Treyson said, "Then why is it jigglin'????" 


Jake and Stephanie Perrin said...

HAHA,.. Love the last one! :) Kids are so funny! I need to better at keep track of what Jonathan says.. He is ALWAYS saying funny things and i forget by the end of the day.. Happy Easter

S. Fantasia said...

"Then why is it jiggling?" Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
Does Matt know you posted that one? I think Dev would have begged me not to (kidding, of course).

Kids are so entertaining. That is, why we have them after all, isn't it? Okay, that and chore-potential. LOL. :o)


Annie said...

Love them! I should totally keep better track of the things my girls do.

adrianne s. said...

SO FUNNY!!! Those pics of Macey are ADORABLE!!!

Aly G said...

Got my laughs for the day! Love the last one the best!

Janea said...

Now those are funny! I am the same way...for some reason, we just think we will remember them. We never do. Oh...and not so good to the "other" comment.

Hyrum and Elsie said...

Oh thank u, that is so funny! kids do say the funniest things!