Monday, September 29, 2008

Party with the HULK

I saw this idea online and decided to take a stab at drawing the Hulk, I had all the kids stick their head through to "become the Hulk" and show me their mad faces. I thought it turned out pretty good and they all loved it! It ended up being our bean bag toss game too.
It's so hard to get all the kids picture taken together, we were missing a couple.
Our GREEN cupcakes... looking at pictures makes it look like a big tree, huh?
Trying to light the candles in windy Ivins...
The park in the back works out great to have the kids play while we get ready for the party to start. We had all the kids wear their green to get in the Hulk mood...

Since GREEN is the favorite color these days we decided to go for a HULK birthday party for Treyson this year. He loved helping me find green things to have at his party. One day he said, "Hey mom we should go to the store to get more green stuff for my party, but not green beans." We opted to have the party at the park last minute because I didn't think that many people would be so comfortable in our house at the same time. It worked out great since Treyson got a new Razor scooter from G&G Hammons, he got to ride outside. The party went great and I'm so glad I only planned for an hour because we actually ended early and I had to come up with our bean bag Hulk game at the last minute. Since I didn't have bean bags I ran home to put beans in ziplock baggies and presto... bean bags. We had a lot of fun partying all night!


Jake and Stephanie Perrin said...

WOW.. DID you draw the Hulk? Your good.. hahah looks like the kiddos had a blast. Did the Weather hold up for you ok? Take care

Tyra said...

Great job in the hulk drawing! Can you believe we have 5 year olds already?

Kelie said...

what a cute party! i love just how creative you are! bean bags...ha ha! love it!

Adrienne said...

Wow! What a fun and creative party...all green. Can't believe he is 5 already!

GoatesGirl said...

That Hulk head cutout is the cutest're the best mom! Kids are darling.

Matt and Adge said...

what a cool party idea! and way to be resourceful with the bean bag toss...impressive :). happy birthday, trey!