Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Tagging Time

It's been a while since I've been tagged... probably because it takes me FOREVER to actually do it. Well, here goes. I was tagged by Nancy and you have to state 6 quirky things about yourself. And then you have to tag 6 more people to do the same, just remember to post a comment so they know.

1. Even being married to a dentist I HATE to floss my teeth (even though it feels great when I do it) and I don't do it as often as I should.

2. I am very cheap!! I always am cutting coupons and one of the first to know of the latest sale. I know it's sometimes a good thing, but when you won't buy something because it's not on sale it gets annoying.

3. I secretly enjoyed having my baby girl a natural childbirth. It's a bit weird, I know, but it was the easiest birth and the fastest recovery.

4. I used to only get my haircut about twice a year. Again, it's the cheap thing, but I now have to cut it about every three months.

5. I love finding new and fun projects to do, but I am the queen of unfinished ones. I think I still have a Merry Christmas sign from the first year of dental school still unfinished.

6. When I cook meals for myself or the whole family I have to have at least 3 things (i.e. grilled chicken, rice, salad) no less. If I don't have three it doesn't feel complete. Does dessert count as an item????

OKay, now for the fun part.... I TAG ---------> Kiley, Laura, Sabrina, Loralee, Tia, and Molly because I miss these girls and want to read about them!


bladenfamily said...

I loved that! You're my good sale friend! I love shopping with you! I am very proud of your for your childbirth also. You're my inspiration...And, thank you for not tagging me!

S. Fantasia said...

Haha! I am all about the three-part-meals too. Why is that? What's wrong with us. Well, unless it's fajitas and then I just eat 3x as many to make the difference, YUM!

Francis Family said...

Your so funny! I hate flossing too! haha That made me sad to read because I miss you too! I walked by your house the other day and it felt very strange! okay, so I'll narrow down my quirks to six and get it posted!

adrianne s. said...

I hate flossing, but I just had my first root canal a few months ago and Jared told me that it's because I don't floss as much as I should- scared me straight!

The Bentley's said...

fun to read and wow macey is five months!! she is too cute and big!!