Thursday, July 10, 2008

FOURTH of July

We started our fourth of July out by taking a family bike ride (sorry no pictures on that I temporarily forgot where the camera was) because Treyson is riding his own bike on TWO wheels, way to go Trey! After we were hot and sweaty we decided we would go swimming and have a picnic at the pool so we packed everything up and headed to cool down. Treyson has been taking swim lesson so his new found bravery made him fearless and he jumped right into the pool without his floaties and started swimming. Cru swam a little, but mostly wanted to eat red vines, oops, we shouldn't have taken those out until after lunch. And Macey was loving the water too, until she was too tuckered out and decided a nap sounded great. We headed home for naps, ALL of us, and met up later with the Hendersons for a little BBQ. The kids played hard and were very anxious to head to the fireworks. Finally at around 830pm (or whenever "Band Practice" was over!) we headed downtown, parked at Brandon's office and walked a couple blocks to the park where the fireworks were. It was a lot of fun!! Hope you enjoy the pictures.


The Larsons said...

Looks like a ton of fun. SO cool that Trey is riding on 2-wheels AND swimming! What a stud! So fun that you have the Hendersons to hang out with. What cute pictures. Thanks for sharing!

katie said...

so fun to have the Hendersons there. Looks like fun-you're baby's growing up!! My Maycee had that same 4th of July outfit for her first firework show! too cute!

Michelle Baird Designs said...

Sounds like a fun fourth!. Very cool that Treyson can ride a bike with TWO wheels. We're still trying to get Lily to be brave enough. Looks like we moving to Portland now. We are leaving on Sunday for a house hunting trip.

Sarah said...

looks like you had a great day. your kids are getting sooo big and little Macey is just too cute. I am sure you are just lovin having a girl. They are so fun.

Sherrie said...

What a fun day! :) I liked the sidewalk art...especially sponge bob.