Sunday, June 29, 2008

Bunny Troubles

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Bunny,

It is with great regret that I must tell you that your little bunny's life has been cut short by a careless driver, myself. I am truly sorry to tell you this. I was briefly glancing off in the distance and your little one jumped right in front of my vehicle. There was no time to react and I'm sorry that bunny did not make it across the street. I feel terrible about this! I thought I should let you know that I have never done this before and I hope it never happens again. I apologize again for my actions and I know that words can not fill the empty space in your bunny home. I hope you with find it in your hearts to forgive me.

Your Neighbor

{It's happened!!! I have run over my first road kill... and I felt terrible! I had to get it off my chest...}


S. Fantasia said...

You are so cute. I love your letter of repent - LOL. I still haven't had to endure such tragedy as that yet (knock on wood) and hope I never do. I was in the car with Ash one time when she thought she hit a cat. I am pretty sure we quickly realized that it wasn't and laughed about it (I think, otherwise, I have blocked that terrible moment out of my memory), but it was horribly devastating at first.

Oh! I just remembered, I accidentally ran over a pregnant lizard a couple weeks ago. I almost cried when Devin pointed out the little eggs in its belly. Now THAT was traumatizing (apparently not so much to remember it until now).

I hope you are all doing well. :o)

Kelie said...

love it! i am laughing right now because i am so afraid of that happening to myself, i can only imagine how awful. and so sweet of you to think of the poor bunnies family.

PalsRWe said...

Silly Girl.. I have not hit anything yet.. But Brent sure has. Just yesterday we almost hit a curb because of a darn squirrel. I say just hit the thing versus hurt us or the car. Now a bunny that might be a little harder to get over. Hang in there...

adrianne s. said...
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adrianne s. said...

At least you owned up to it! I think I hit a chicken in high school, but I felt so badly that I kept telling myself that it really made it across the road. I drove by the site like every day for a week at least, looking for feathers on the side of the road. We saw a turtle walking along the edge of the road yesterday- it's probably still close today so I'll have to make a note to watch out for it!

bladenfamily said...

You're funny. I hit a cat once and felt the same way. It was very late at night but I had to get out and see if it made it. I cried. I feel your pain!