Wednesday, May 14, 2008

New Kids... and they aren't mine!

This morning I let Treyson talk me into turning on the TV before morning "chores" were done {i.e., make bed, eat breakfast, brush teeth, get dressed} but the catch was that mom got to pick... and I of course picked something that I NEVER get to watch anymore, the Today's Show! Since cartoons rule our lives it seems these days, I took my chance to get a little "me TV".
Anyways, I just love how the Today's Show does music concerts on their show and I was surprised to see that this Friday The New Kids (on the Block) are preforming!! I was taken back to my childhood when I was obsessed with Jordan and the New Kids. That was my very first concert I ever went to, ten years old, without mom and dad. Two of my friends, Trina and Colleen and Colleen's older sister went to the concert. We even rode the bus up to Seattle and went to the concert in the old King Dome... now that was a long time ago, that building is since been taken down.

So for all of you New Kids fans, or shall I say old New Kids fans, reminisce this Friday with a walk down memory lane. I know I will...for old times sake.


Francis Family said...

Are you waiting in line for front row again? haha

Macey is just darling. I haven't been on in a while due to computer problems, but wow, she is just so cute! The boys are just getting so big as well. I loved the picture of them in their green shirts. So cute!

Tyra said...

I am definitely going to watch! My love for for Joey......

adrianne s. said...

I loved Jordan Knight, too! He was my favorite and NKOTB was the first concert I ever went to- I was 8!! How fun!

bladenfamily said...

My fav was Jordan too. I'm jealous that you went to the concert! I'm trying to talk Mike into leaving, but I'm not having much luck. Maybe I'll just tell him I'm having girl time since he SHOULD be gone! What should we do?

Tracey said...

I'm a little late on this but I just wanted to say congratulations, Macey is beautiful!! I'm glad you're surviving life with three so far! I wish I had checked your blog yesterday so I could have watched the conert, I was a big Jonathan fan... oh the good old days... :)

Tracey Stinchfield

Sherrie said...

Whoa. that does take me back to the day. :) How fun! And...yes, a bit jealous that you got to go to their concert way back when...