Wednesday, April 09, 2008

All my helpers...

Treyson trying out the gift "from Macey" to her
big brothers. Grandpa Hammons in the background...
Treyson loves, loves, loves Macey!
Cru gets so excited to "hold" the baby too.
Grandma Cheetham was able to come visit us for a few days to help with Macey--so fun to show her our new home, city, and new addition!

A big thanks to all my helpers... Big brothers Treyson and Cru, Grandma Cheetham, and Grandma and Grandpa Hammons! I didn't have a picture of Gma Hammons yet... she's either helping with one of the boys or busily being a big, big help with laundry, cleaning, etc. Thanks for ALL the help everyone!!

1 comment:

S. Fantasia said...

So cute! My, how time flies! I cannot even remember when Eli was that small (and smaller), now he looks like he could eat her... *sigh* He's so chubby.

Anyhow, she is so precious and how fun that your mom got to come visit. You look great as well! (Not that that's a surprise - you always do.)