Saturday, December 22, 2007

Late Night Rendezvous

And no it is not with Matt and I... it was the kids! We have decided to put them in a room together to get used to each other to make room for baby #3 and while it's had it's good days and bad days, last night was one of the bad ones, but very funny...

So we put them to bed probably around 8:15 pm or 8:30 pm because we had a vacuum saleman over trying to show us this awesome vacuum. Well, they both were the saddest kids in the world to have to go to bed, literally kicking and crying. Matt and I just let them be and left, hoping that they would just go to bed. So we make our way back to the saleman, hearing all their laughing and carrying on that they were doing. Matt goes to check them out after about 20 minutes of laughing and scream outbursts. It was raining outside and making lots of noises so when Matt goes in to check on the kids, Treyson had made it inside Cru's crib just hangin' out. He told us that the rain noises were making him scared so he had to go into Cru's bed to feel better. He also threw in all his pillows and Cru's bumper pad that we had taken off a few days earlier and turned on the closet light "so they could see." We had a good laugh, but put them "back to bed" and went back to our night.

Meanwhile the laughing continues and we just let them be hoping again that they will just get tired and fall asleep, because by now it's like 9:30pm. Our friend Clark comes over to bring us some yummy toffee and so we sit and chat with him while the monkey business continues to go on... Finally Matt decides to go in and be tough dad and make these kids be quiet and go to sleep around 9:50 pm. He proceeds to open the door and he finds Treyson completely naked sitting on his bed, closet lights on, and looks over at Cru and there he was all in his glory too!!! (Cru obviously had help from big brother because he had a full outfit of sweats, long sleeve shirt, onsie, diaper, socks, the whole works taken off him!) He couldn't help but laugh and have Clark and I come see what was going on. What do you do about that?!?!

After putting clothes back on, we ended up putting Treyson out in the living room to hang out with us while Cru went quickly to sleep after 10pm! Please tell me it will get easier with them in their room together.... somehow I'm thinking it doesn't. Fun story!


The Bentley's said...

that is sooo funny. i feel your pain. dirk and coby have finally gotten better... although they wake each other up FIRST thing at the CRACK of dawn. it kills me. that's why i put them to bed early so they can still play for an hour, wake up early, but they still get a good amount of sleep:) love sharing rooms:)

Tyra said...

Sorry.....welcome to the world of BOYS!!! Parker and Cooper have always shared a room and we have many nights exactly like that, and more so than not.....they involve NAKEDNESS!!! I know, I don't understand it either??????Have fun, so funny~

GoatesGirl said...

I love it! Not that it's fun at the time but we have those nights from time to time. Cute!

Michelle Baird Designs said...

Good luck with that! After 6 months of trying, Jack and Cole would still be up until 2 am...if we let them, laughing and playing. Now we give them one chance (never works), who ever is the first one caught out of bed goes into our room, on our bed. Once they're both a sleep, we transfer the one back into the room. Maybe one day!

Janea said...

Oh Clark told me that stinkin' funny! We had the kids share a room for a night while we had company in T's room, they laughed and giggled and through binky's, but you win with taking clothes off. It will get better...newness always wears off. Miss you guys.

Sydney said...

So did you buy the vacuum?

Our boys will share a room beginning this summer and I don't look forward to late nights of trying to get them to bed but I can't wait for them to bond!