Friday, November 16, 2007

BIG news to tell...

Okay, I have some pretty big news for all to hear.... I AM PREGNANT!!!! I haven't said anything because of my not-so-good track record with those things, but I guess this baby is here to stay because I am a whooping 21 weeks! We went to the doctor today to find out what the baby is... and it's a....


a... are you getting anxious?


GIRL!!! Well, 85% sure it's a girl!
We were very much in shock because we were sure it was another boy and I would have been happy either way. I've been leaning more girl the last week, but I am still not fully believing it's a "she" yet. For those of you counting, Cru and little sister will be only 17 1/2 months apart! Woah, little nervous about that!! Especially since Cru really loves his mom. Wish me luck. And any type of advice is well appreciated!
On another note, there were some questions about her heart valves and so they are referring me to a specialist to take a closer look. The doctor saw the four chambers, but one didn't have a closing like they should. Or something like that... that's why I bring Matt along, to remember all the medical details. I only pretend to know what they are talking about.
While this is somewhat disturbing, I'm trying hard not to be too stressed out. I'm sure everything will be just fine.
Soooo, that's the BIG news! I literally couldn't hold it in any longer! Even some people here in our ward don't know yet, I've hidden it well. Pictures to soon follow!! Hope all is well with everyone.


The Larsons said...

So excited for you!!!! You have hidden it well! Kind of had an idea...because I wasn't sure what other "big news" you would have as you mentioned on Facebook...and because in your Washington pictures (especially the one with your friend), you didn't look quite like the skinny minny Haley we all love...although you didn't look 21 weeks! :) I don't know how you have hidden it for so long! I am only 15 weeks and am busting out of all my pants! Any tips would be appreciated. :) I know you'll do great with them that close. I am sure you were happy to not have to be disappointed again with the whole trying thing. SO happy for you!!!!!!!!! Have you been sick? Oh, and SO jealous it is a GIRL! I guess that means it is possible. :) Maybe we'll get lucky to. Any names picked out? That will be fun to be just 6 weeks apart! Fun stuff!!! Congrats!!!

The Larsons said...

Oh, and keep us posted on the heart....although I am sure it is nothing major. It seems pretty common for them not to see everything with the heart the first time along...but we will definately keep you in our prayers!

wurstens5 said...

So excited for you!!! I'm so glad it's a girl, for you anyway. Girls are fun. I can't believe you are so far along, we didn't even know when we saw you in St. George. Matthew and Ashlie are 17 months apart and Ashlie and Brandon are 18 months, and it's actually not that bad, we really love it. They are fo young, that they don't really realize what's going on when you bring that new baby home. Matthew just ignored Brandon, and Ashlie played mommy from the first day. And plus, they are really great friends and really close which is nice too. You will do great. Sorry, to hear about the heart thing too, we will pray for you as well. It's so great that we can catch those kind of things early and have wonderful doctors in our lives. Hope you are feeling well. Keep us posted

Haley said...

I have really not been sick AT ALL. Which is a little sickening (is that a word?) in itself because I know how many of you are sick from day one. That was the only thing that put this baby apart from the boys, not an ounce of sickness. I actually didn't believe I was pregnant for a long time because I wasn't feeling bad. I was VERY lucky!!

Matt and Adge said...

CONGRATS!!! How exciting! Wow, that is so nice that you haven't been sick. Especially already having two little guys running around. I can't believe you held out for so long...i always try to and I'm so bad at keeping secrets (especially in Cleveland where everyone shares OBs and you can't get in or out without being spotted :)). But that really is SO exciting...especially for it to be a little girl. Congrats, again!!

Miriam said...

Yeah! That's so great! I knew that had to be your big news-I wouldn't have been able to hold it in so long! Girls are so so fun! And I can't believe you haven't been sick. Statistically you're 50% more likely to have severe morning sickness with a girl than with a boy. How did you luck out? Congrats and I hope that everything works out okay with her heart. And I hope Matt's practice picks up soon. It has got to be so hard starting a practice from scratch. Hang in there all you Hammons!

Tracey said...

So good to hear from you Haley! That is some great big news!! How exciting!! We will be praying that she is fine. My two little ones are 20 months apart and I must admit is has been tough but it is starting to get a lot better now that Alyssa is almost three months. My only advice is to accept any help that is offered and still try to get out when you can because it's better than staying home even though it's hard! I'm excited to add your blog to my link so I can stay up to date. Here's the link to ours if you want to check it out:


Elisa said...

Congratulations Haley. Don't worry to much about the heart problem. I had to do the same thing with Addison, and I worried way to much. It ended up that after the hour long(very expensive)eco on the baby, she looked healthy. And so far she has still been healthy. That is exciting she is a girl! Congrats again!

Elisa said...

Congratulations Haley. Don't worry to much about the heart problem. I had to do the same thing with Addison, and I worried way to much. It ended up that after the hour long(very expensive)eco on the baby, she looked healthy. And so far she has still been healthy. That is exciting she is a girl! Congrats again!

Sydney said...

Oh Happy Day!!! As one who has also dealt with fertility issues, "we'll take 'em when we can get 'em". Lots of people have babies 17 months apart and live to talk about it. You'll do great. I can't believe you are 21 weeks and not showing and you haven't been sick. So lucky are YOU! Congrats!

Tyra said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Girls are so much fun, especially after 2 boys, you appreciate the PINK a little more! Hey, 17 1/2 months is nothing....remember Parker and Cooper are 13 months apart :) It is so fun!!! Have any girl names rounded up?

Janea said...

So glad you finally let the cat out of the bag. And you did hide it very well. Although, many people are starting ask but after 21 weeks, I say that is some sort of record. CONGRATULATIONS!!

gregandlaura said...

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! OH MY GOSH!!! A GIRL!!! That is so exciting! I am so happy for you guys! We will defenitely have to come visit when she arrives. :) Thats crazy her and Cru are going to be so close! Seriously I don't know what is wrong with me - but I am already getting anxiety about having to ever get pregnant again! what is wrong with me?? hahah anyway- I am so happy for you guys!! we miss ya!!

Molly said...

I AM SO EXCITED FOR YOU GUYS!!!! Girls are the best!! :) Keep us updated on the heart thing!

S. Fantasia said...

CONGRATS! It will be fun having them so close in age. Keep me posted on the heart valve issue - but I am sure all will be well. Those things are a little tough to see when she's still so little. We'll keep you in our prayers.

Michelle Baird Designs said...

WOW! That means when we saw you, your were already 15 weeks preggo. You hide it well and are pretty sly. All I can say is congratulation, I am so happy for you. Hope the last 19 weeks (only 19 weeks!) go well, that you feel good, and are healthy. Girls are so much fun, plus it helps with the boy to girl ratio around your house. Congrats.

Sarah said...

I was just browsing blogs and found you. SO fun you get to have a girl. All four of my kids are 17 month apart and I would do it agian in a heart beat. I wouldn't trade it for anything. The two boys are best buddies and my two girls are starting to play (since my youngest is still only 10 months.) What fun. You will be just fine. Two was harder for me to adjust and three was harder for Eric. Keep us posted.
sarah blamires

The Henderson Family said...

Haley, I am so excited for you! A little Hammons girl. That's great!!! We really need to get together on a double date or something. You only live about 15 minutes away from us. What's our problem. I keep thinking about our girls nite. That needs to happen soon as well!! I'm needing a break real soon. :) Call me or I will call you! Congrats again and I am sure everything is fine with the babies heart.

Krysten said...

Congratulations! We have so much fun with our little girl after two boys. I know you will to.
So sorry I wasn't able to meet up with you for breakfast that morning. I really should check my messages earlier then noon I tell ya.

Adrienne said...

Haley!! SO fun. That's fun that you were able to announce your pregnancy and gender all at the same time. Congrats! There is something different about a girl. It's great! Keep us posted. Love A

The Bentley's said...

congrats congrats!!! 3 is killing us:) i hope you can handle it better than me:) and girls are sooo fun!! you're gonna love it!

Melissa (Catlin) Kiser said... all my complaining and watching me go crazy at the Parent Center didn't disway you from going for that third (and so close together). awesome. having the girl after 2 boys rocks. it's sooooo much fun to dress issy up. you'll have a blast. i won't lie to'll be super tough, but live for those little moments amist the chaos. congrats and keep us posted on the heart issue. you're in our thoughts.

Ashlee and Shane said...

Hey! I read your blog once in awhile! :) Hope you don't mind! Congrats on being pregnant! That is exciting! I truly hope that your little baby in there is going to be okay. Nobody has noticed your are pregnant yet?! Lucky!!! People noticed with my second one when i was 3 months.

Hatsuho said...

wow haley, you have a lot of blog-readers! congratulations on having a baby girl-- so you're due in march/april? so exciting!