Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Cru is 11 months old!

Our Cru is 11 months old already! We can't believe he is almost a year old already. It was a huge task to take this picture and I think it turned out just like he is... HAPPY. He is such a sweet little boy and he just loves life. He cruises around the house creating messes around every corner, but he's so dang cute you just have to smile at him. His favorite mess is to unroll the toilet paper and tear it to shreds, real fun to clean up! We love him... and so does Treyson, even though sometimes he doesn't want to admit it! I secretly hear him tell him that he is his best friend, so cute.


The Larsons said...

I can't believe it either! Look like you had a fun Labor Day! How are things going for the practice. Hopefully booming! I want to see pictures of the indside of your house too. Is Trey doing any preschool this year? Cooper isn't. Well, I am doing letters of the day and stuff with him, but pretty low key. I figure he'll do preschool next year and the kindergarten, since we'll live wherever we are going next for 2 years. Great to see the pics! Cute boys!

Annie said...

I love this pic. It is like he just won the gold!

The Atwood's said...

I can't believe how big he is. "Hi!" btw.

katie said...

I can't believe he is one-he looks nothing like Treyson. We're coming up for the St. George Marathon, we want to see you.