Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Happy Anniversary MATT! Love, me

Happy Anniversary!
Here's a little look back at our last six years together...

Six reasons why I love you for the six years we've had together.
1. You are as cute as the day I met you!
2. Awesome DAD
3. You go shopping with me even though you don't
want to, but sometimes you have fun.
4. You are a clean freak and help me out with the
house when I need it.
5. You are very determined and work hard.
6. Did I mention that you are a great dad AND
a hot red head?!

Love, Haley


Janea said...

Haley, this turned out so cute!

The Larsons said...

Very cute slide show! You both age so well! So, you're "it" in the game of tag. Check out my blog for details. :)

S. Fantasia said...

So romantic - look at you! Congrats on six years. I can't wait to have our sixth anniversary...and tenth...fiftieth. Ya know.

By the way, I agree with previous comment. You both age so well! :o)

Molly said...

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! :) Love you guys!